Teaching Materials Copyright for Lecturers

What’s New on CTL?


We support lecturers with competence in pedagogy and educational technology through
our professional training,
workshops and open courses.


Provide competency based recognition through personalized, flexible and performance-base online courses


Supporting Goverment policy and program “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” to provide significant learning experienced for all student


Professional partnership with third-party to maintain mutual relationship and continuous improvement of human resources


CTL supports me a lot throughout all the learning processes, from preparing virtual classes to delivering and evaluating. CTL also provides help, not only with the technical aspects, but also with the development of learning content, and makes it more fun and interesting. They also did an excellent job of communicating and were very responsive. Keep up the good work!

Clarissa Adeline, S.I.Kom.

Online Tutor of Distance Learning

With excellent work quality and friendly members, CTL plays an essential part in UPH’s struggle before, during, and after the pandemic. They are more than a reliable partner for all your digital teaching and learning needs. Working with them means you’re forever at ease!

Christa Geraldine, S.I.Kom.

Online Tutor of Distance Learning

CTL has equipped me a lot especially for the newest and updatest technology apps that we are using at Pelita Harapan University. The dynamic change of teaching and learning setting will not be a greatest challenge anymore since we know that CTL will always welcome us and give us more insightful tangible takeaways for our further class. Bravo CTL!

Wiputra Cendana, B.Sc., M.Pd.

Academic Lecturer and Educational Technology Coordinator

CTL has been a huge asset to my team and I as we’ve struggled to come up with new ideas for online instruction. I am grateful for the availability of the staff, who always come up with a solution or an alternative to help. They’re even willing to go above and beyond their job description and conduct a private video conference with me to alleviate my frustration! Keep up the excellent work! 🙂

Ns. Juniarta, M.Sc

Academic Lecturer and Educational – Faculty of Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I ask to the Center for Teaching and Learning?

You can consult about teaching and learning implementation that includes concepts from blended/online learning, teaching and learning strategies, and the educational technology used.

How can I contact the Center for Teaching and Learning?

You can visit UPH, Building F, 11th floor of the Center for Teaching and Learning, or via e-mail: edu.tech@uph.edu

I can’t login to learn.uph.edu

If you are still having problems logging in to Moodle, you can report to OSS UPH: https://onestopservice.uph.edu/ or contact the Center for Teaching and Learning UPH at Building F, 11th floor, e-mail: edu.tech@uph.edu; WA: 081387192437

I forgot my password to login to learn.uph.edu
  1. The method to login to Moodle now is to use OpenID Connect (see figure 1). Login with this method requires UPH e-mail and password as a username and password.
  2. If you forget your UPH e-mail password, you can click Forgot My Password (see picture 2), then follow the instructions that direct you to recover your account.
