Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka
Based on Permendikbud Nomor 3 Tahun 2020
(Regulation Of Minister
and Culture), students could choose to not experience in their study program for maximum 3 semesters and instead to join MBKM activities.
MBKM activities consist of variety of learning activities,
such as
Student Exchange (Pertukaran Pelajar), Internship (Magang
Independent Study (Studi Independen), Teaching Assistang (
Asisten Mengajar), Research (Penelitian
), Humanitarian Project (Proyek Kemanusiaan), Entrepreneurial Activity (
Kegiatan Wirausaha),
Community Service (Membangun Desa
) and Bela Negara.
UPH’s Involvement in MBKM Activities
UPH has joined several MBKM activities which initiated by the Dikti (usually called by Flagship activities) and initiated by Study Program.
Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat (MSIB)
Magang Bersetifikat allows students to spend 1 -2 semesters working in the industry or in the professional real word to provide opportunities for
students to develop hard skills and soft skills that is beneficial for them to join the world of work and careers.
Meanwhile, Studi Independen Bersertifikat equips students by mastering specific and practical competencies that are also sought after
by the industrial world. Twenty five of UPH students have joined MSIB Batch 1 and twenty nine students have joined MSIB Batch 2.