Are You Ready
for the New 2024 KO?
In welcoming the academic year of 2024/2025, 45 UPH study programs are working on the 2024 Operational Curriculum document. Unlike any other curriculum plan initiated before, 2024 curriculum is designed with Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach. OBE is one curriculum approach that focuses on what skills or competencies need to be accomplished by the end of the course (Spady, 1994).
One of the OBE characteristics is the alignment between each component of the curriculum (constructive alignment). The study program needs to ensure that there is an accurate alignment from the UPH graduate profile to the study program graduate profile, Program Learning Outcomes (PLO), Course Learning Outcome (CLO) and assessments. With the alignment between the components of the curriculum, the curriculum evaluation attainment can be conducted and validated with valid outcomes. Additionally, the 2024 Operational Curriculum document is formulated in accordance with the UPH Educational Framework, UPH Vision and Mission and the government policy for higher education curriculum development.
To initiate the 2024 Operational Curriculum document formulating process, study program needs to evaluate the 2020 curriculum implementation by gathering information from various stakeholders, such as, associations, industry partners, alumni, students, and faculty. The information gathered will then be the guidance and reference in developing each component of the curriculum. Therefore, the study program needs to undertake a critical, detailed and focused evaluation over the curriculum evaluation process.
In supporting the formulation process of 2024 UPH Operational Curriculum, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) sets up an open course titled “Penyusunan dan Pengembangan Kurikulum” as guidance and reference in formulating the Operational Curriculum which can be taken by deans and chair departments.
In addition to that, workshops and coaching clinics will be held regularly from November 2023 to April 2024 to support the chair departments in formulating the 2024 Operational Curriculum.
Given the assistance and support by CTL, it is expected to enable the study program in creating a curriculum document that can be utilized to implement the entire learning process, resulting in even better quality UPH graduates.