of New Syllabus (RPS) Template at UPH:
Educational Transformation in Accordance with Permendikbud No. 53 Tahun 2023
Universitas Pelita Harapan advances educational transformation through the implementation of a new RPS template, referencing Permendikbud No. 53 Tahun 2023. This systematic approach aims to enhance teaching and learning quality within higher education.
Essential Components in RPS Document
In realizing a comprehensive educational transformation, Permendikbud No. 53 Tahun 2023 emphasizes a more detailed RPS structure, requiring at least 11 essential components in each RPS document. These mandatory components include:
1. Course Identity
2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLO/CPL)
3. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO/CPMK)
4. Planned Final Competencies at Each Learning Stage (Sub-CLO/Sub-CPMK)
5. Assessment Criteria and Indicators
6. Assessment Weight
7. Subject Matter or Learning Content
8. Learning Formats and Teaching Methods
9. Credit Calculation and Equivalence
10. Student Learning Experiences in Assignment Forms
11. Reference List
These components transcend administrative formalities, serving as critical instruments to ensure educational process quality and meaningfulness. Each component, from course identity to learning session planning, is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive framework, ensuring that every course maintains measurable objectives, methods, and achievements.
To support a holistic education, the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach serves as the philosophical foundation for RPS transformation. UPH comprehensively implements integrated learning outcomes concepts, encompassing the entire educational process from learning outcomes formulation and assessment design to learning activities. Referencing L. Dee Fink’s Significant Learning theory (2013), this approach ensures that each course goes beyond knowledge transfer, developing students’ holistic capabilities – critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to contribute significantly to society.
Aligned with educational quality enhancement efforts, the Implementation of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) 7 becomes a primary focus of this transformation. It supports student-centered learning (SCL) through the implementation of project-based and case-based learning. To enrich academic experiences, UPH also encourages integrating lecturers’ research results and PkM activities into the learning process. This approach enables students to not only study theory but also directly engage in ongoing research and service projects, providing authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
The implementation of the new RPS template at Universitas Pelita Harapan represents an institutional commitment to continuous educational quality improvement. Through a planned, comprehensive, and achievement-focused approach, UPH aims to produce competent, innovative, and globally competitive graduates.
To facilitate implementation, all materials related to the new RPS templates are available and accessible through the official UPH link below. Academic community members can download and study these templates as a comprehensive guide for RPS according to the latest established standards.
Concerning the launch of the new RPS template, Universitas Pelita Harapan invites the entire academic community to actively participate in the new RPS implementation process. The support and active involvement of all academic leadership are key factors in achieving sustainable educational transformation at Universitas Pelita Harapan.