The Implementation of Outcome-based Education

Spady (1994, p.12) mentions that “outcome-based education (OBE) means clearly focusing and organizing everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences”. While traditional education models frequently focus on content delivery, OBE prioritizes on what students are able to demonstrate after completing the learning process.


There are several principles that educators need to implement to make OBE effective to achieve student success.

  1. Firstly, it is argued that integrating learning outcomes into real-life situations will very likely help students to achieve learning outcomes (Crecencio, 2023). This is the reason why learning outcomes must be made with the involvement of stakeholders. Stakeholders know very well the learning outcomes that are needed, integrated with real – life situations.

  2. Secondly, to guarantee the achievement of learning outcomes, the alignment between learning outcomes, instructional methods and evaluation is a fundamental component of OBE. The assessment method, as an evaluation of learning, is used to measure the competencies outlined in the learning outcomes, fostering transparency and accountability. Moreover, study programs need to choose the learning method that will support students to be able achieve the learning outcomes through doing the assessment.

  3. Thirdly, after learning outcomes are designed, it is very important to inform learning outcomes to students in the beginning of the course. Cresencio (2023) states that students are likely to achieve learning outcomes if the class is started with a clear picture of what is necessary for students to perform successfully. Spady (1994) further explains that the learning outcomes (that will be achieved at the end of the course) are used to direct learning to be more effective and meaningful. Gruppen (2013) also states that OBE should provide opportunities control and flexibility in learning for students.

However, the implementation of OBE needs organized supervision and faculty training (Gruppen, 2013). In UPH, to implement these principles in making curriculum for several study programs in academic year 2024/2025, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will support study programs to start the process of designing curriculum by gathering data from stakeholders.

Following the process of reflecting and analyzing the data, designing curriculum will include a careful analysis of the alignment between all components in curriculum. CTL will also support study programs to be able to look at and analyze these two aspects in designing curriculum.

If you need any assistance in implementing OBE in your study program, or if you have any questions about OBE, please contact CTL at


Cresencio, M. (2023). Outcome-based education in open and distance learning. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 10(4): 645-656.

Gruppen, L. D. (2012) Outcome-based medical education: implications, opportunities, and challenges. Korean Journal of Medical Education. 24(4), pp. 281–285.

Spady, W. G. (1994). Outcome-based education: Critical issues and answers. Retrieved from