Past Trainings

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is committed to support you in teaching process and professional development through previous trainings were conducted.

Workshop OBE 2023
Implementing Project and Case-Based Learning in Outcome-Based Education

In this webinar, strategies for designing PjBL and CBL will be presented, as manifested in the design of activities in the syllabus or course outline.

CTL Talk
Embracing AI in Higher Education

This seminar is expected to facilitate lecturers in learning more about how AI technology can be applied in the context of Christian education and how its use can help advance the mission of Christian education.

Coffee Talk
Blended Learning Implementation

This Coffee Talk event is being organized to gather feedback from lecturers/tutors and improving the implementation of blended learning in the next semester.

Coffee Talk for Magister
Blended Learning Implementation

This Coffee Talk is expected to facilitate lecturers in expressing their challenges and experiences, in a more relaxed and open manner to improve the implementation of Blended Learning.

Focus Group Discussion
CPL – CPMK Tugas Akhir

To ensure that every graduate achieves the minimum competency upon graduation, each faculty needs to establish CPL standards.

Workshop Curriculum
for Faculty of Nursing

Lecturers are guided to design learning outcomes that aligned with UPH graduate profiles, standards of competencies set by the government and reflect from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

Blended Learning Series
H5P Application

Lecturers can create simple learning simulations and simple virtual tour apps by utilizing H5P application to increase student learning interactivity.