Integration of Research and Community Service/Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM)
into Learning through Case-Based Learning (CBL) and Project-Based Learning (PjBL)

Learning, Research, and Community Service (PkM) are interconnected processes in higher education. Ideally, learning should be based on PkM results obtained from field activities with the community and the application of lecturers’ research findings. In this integration, research or PkM topics must be relevant to the field’s roadmap, based on graduate learning outcomes or lecturers’ expertise, or specifically aligned with learning outcomes.

The integration of research and (PkM) into learning is crucial for enhancing the quality of higher education. According to the Rector’s Regulation of Pelita Harapan University No. 002.001 of 2021, learning, research, and PkM must form a continuous and interconnected series.

To integrate research and PkM into the learning process, some methods include:

  • Course materials should ideally be an update from research activities or research findings applied through community service experiences.
  • Lecturers should not only provide course materials from existing theories (textbook-based) but also from research findings and applied expertise.
  • Linking teaching and research through case-based and project-based learning methods.

Case-Based Learning with Research and PkM Results:

Research and PkM results in the form of journals and articles can be used as real cases for discussion and study by students. Scientific journals and articles provide empirical data and in-depth analysis that can be used to explore various problems and solutions. For instance, an article on the impact of climate change can be used as a case study to identify environmental challenges and mitigation strategies. Students will not only develop analytical and critical thinking skills but also understand the practical application of the theories they study. This integration ensures that learning is not only theoretical but also contextual and applicable, helping students prepare for real-world challenges.

Steps for Implementing Case-Based Learning:

  1. Identify the Problem
    Lecturers can prepare and present real cases from research and PkM for students to study.
  2. Identify Key Information
    Students identify key information and facts from cases derived from lecturers’ or teaching teams’ research. This information is then discussed in collaborative groups.
  3. Explore Values and Alternative Solutions
    Students explore values and potential solutions for case resolution based on individual perspectives. This information is then discussed in collaborative groups.
  4. Analysis and Argumentation
    Students engage in analysis and argumentation to resolve cases within groups to find solutions and take appropriate actions.
  5. Summarize Solutions and Actions
    Students summarize alternative solutions and actions along with their consequences. They then present and share among groups and receive reinforcement from the lecturer.

Project-Based Learning with Research and PkM Results:

Project Based Learning (PjBL) is a learning method that places projects at the center of learning activities, where students work on real projects that require problem-solving and in-depth investigation. Integrating research and (PkM) results into PjBL provides authentic and relevant context which enhances the students’ learning experience with critical and analytical skills. Here are the steps for implementing PjBL.

Steps for Implementing Project-based Learning:

  1. Start with the Essential Question
    The essential question guides the project and must be relevant and challenging. Research and PkM results help identify key issues and recent trends that are real problems. For instance, climate change research may raise the question, “How can we reduce the impact of climate change in local communities?”
  2. Design a Plan for the Project
    After the question is determined, the next step is to design the project. The project design is collaboratively carried out by students with guidance from lecturers.
  3. Create a Schedule & Carry Out the Project
    A clear and realistic schedule includes deadlines for each project stage. Research and PkM results provide guidelines on the duration of each activity based on previous experiences, helping students manage their time and ensure the project runs smoothly.
  4. Monitor Project Progress
    Monitoring is done to evaluate project progress. Lecturers should track students’ progress and provide constructive feedback. Effective methods and analytical tools allow students to measure the effectiveness of proposed solutions.
  5. Assess the Outcome and Product
    Students present and receive feedback from lecturers. Evaluation is conducted by both lecturers and students on the process and the achievement of students’ competency standards and outputs, either collaboratively or individually.
  6. Evaluate the Experience
    The final stage is evaluating the experience, where students reflect on their learning, challenges, and solutions. This evaluation helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses and provides insights for lecturers to improve project design in the future.

Every research or PkM source used should be included in the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) specificied in the Course Description, Planner, and Bibliography sections.

Overall, integrating research and PkM into learning is an important step in creating high-quality and relevant higher education. With this approach, it is expected that students will not only gain theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that they can apply in their professional lives and contribute to society.


Peraturan Rektor Universitas Pelita Harapan Nomor 002.001 Tahun 2021

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi. (2021). Panduan Implementasi IKU Kemendikbudridtek Versi 2 Tahun 2021.

Partiwi, S. G., dkk. (2023). Panduan Implementasi Pembelajaran Berpusat pada Mahasiswa. Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi.