Socialization of Curriculum Management System Utilization Universitas Pelita Harapan

On Friday, November 29, 2024 at the Aryaduta Lippo Village Hotel, the Socialization of the Utilization of the Curriculum Management System at Universitas Pelita Harapan was held, which was attended by more than 70 participants who were deans and heads of study programs from the Faculty of Education, RPS developer lecturers and administrative staff of the Faculty of Education study program. 

This event also invited leaders of supporting units as well as faculty members from other study programs at UPH who are planning or preparing their study programs for international accreditation assessment.

The Socialization of the Utilization of the Curriculum Management System consists of 2 parts. The first part was a seminar entitled “Evaluation of OBE’ Curriculum Operational in Higher Education” led by expert speaker Dr. Achmad Ridwan from the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). While the second part was a Socialization activity accompanied by demonstrations related to the curriculum management system and reporting presented by resource person Bp. Evander Banjarnahor, Digital Learning Specialist from the Center for Teaching and Learning Universitas Pelita Harapan.

In the first part, Dr. Achmad Ridwan explained that to be able to evaluate the OBE curriculum , we must first understand what outcomes are, how to distinguish them from outputs and competencies and how to measure them. Dr. Achmad Ridwan also briefly practiced how to determine the outcome down from SLO to CPMK of each course according to the cognitive level whether Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge or meta-cognitive.

In the second part, Evander Banjarnahor, S.Pd., M.Si., as Digital Learning Specialist, Center for Learning, Universitas Pelita Harapan, then socialized the dashboard that has been developed at CTL to help study programs, especially lecturers and department heads in evaluating the learning process through the achievement of Course Learning Outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes. The following is the reporting dashboard that was successfully developed and then socialized to all study programs in UPH. The reporting dashboard can display the results of the achievement of SLOs and CPMK at the study program level, course level and at a more detailed level, namely the achievement of SLOs and CPMK per student per course.

This is the output of the funding assistance program in preparing study programs to face international accreditation assessments. Through webinar programs and training by expert resource persons, study programs are specifically equipped with knowledge and skills related to how to evaluate OBE-based curricula and learning processes, preparing themselves to be able to develop innovative and output-based curricula that can meet the needs of employment /business and industry. In addition, the study program is also facilitated with a curriculum management system that will help make it easier for study programs to evaluate the achievement of CPL and CPMK at the study program level, course level and at the student level in detail. With this, it is hoped that the study program, especially the Faculty of Education of UPH, can prepare itself to be able to participate in international certification to continue to improve the quality or quality of its services to the community at large.