Course Development

Standard of learning content is one of the important components since its determines the achievementof expected graduate competence. (Permendikbud 2/2020)

To develop qualified teaching materials, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) sets a standard for qualified and accountable teaching materials that can
be implemented and fulfill the student learning needs.

Course development includes the development of teaching materials and learning activities. For the existing course, course development is defined as rejuvenation of teaching materials and learning activities to improve it qualities to support the learning process. 

Teaching materials are designed and developed by Subject Matter Expert (lecturers and experts) in collaboration with instructional designer of CTL to facilitate teaching and learning process and
achieve the learning objectives.

Syllabus Creation Planner (SCP) is learning plans which design systematically by lecturer as a guideline to conduct teaching-learning process include learning objectives, grading scheme, learning method and assessment, course planner, and references.

The followings are the important elements in designing a course planner:

  • Learning Objective is goal that need to be achieve by students during learning process. Teaching and learning activities aiming to fulfill the learning objectives. Learning objectives must be measurable and evaluated.
  • Learning Method is an active learning strategy which designed to improve students’ engagement during the learning process. Learning method is designed to facilitate teaching and learning activities before class, during class and after class.
  • Learning Duration is student expected learning time according to credits course. References are resources which used by instructor to facilitate teaching-learning process.

Blended Learning is ‘the thoughtful integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences’. – Garrison and Kanuka ( 2004). Blended learning is aligned with Experience M-Flex framework which aiming to achieve significant learning. Hybrid/blended learning is designed to facilitate the learning process which is an implementation of case based and collaborative learning based project.

The followings are the important elements in designing a course planner:

  • Before class, students are prepared with teaching materials and learning videos.
  • During class, students actively engage in learning process, such as discussion, case study,
    group project, and other active learning strategy.
  • After class, students responsible to review and reflect their learning process.

References for Blended Learning 

Sample  RPS & LMS Class


The Provisions for Online Learning include the process of preparation, implementation and evaluation that maintains the quality assurance of online learning at UPH. The online learning preparation process include the development of course planner, teaching materials and the creation of master course in Learning Management System (LMS).  

The process of implementing online learning includes application of learning and assessment strategies in the teaching and learning process. The online learning evaluation process includes measurement and reporting of learning outcomes and achievement of learning objectives. 

Educative Assessment Strategy is one of learning component that related to learning objectives and learning activities. Assessment used to standardized the measure skills and knowledge according to the learning objectives. 

To measure the learning objectives, we need to use reflective and authentic assessment. It can take the form of summative evaluation in Synchronous and Asynchronous classes. Students need to implement what they have learned in real life. Educative assessment has a long-term impact on students. Below are some brief examples of online assessments for students.  

Asynchronous Assessment

Assessment in Asynchronous Learning may take the form of:

  • Objective Tests

This test is used to measure the student’s cognitive ability according to the taxonomy Bloom C1 level (understanding the theory/concept) and  C2 level (applying the theory or concept).

The questions are in the form of True-False, Multiple Choice, Matching, dan Fill in the Blank.
The Lecturer can use the “Quiz” feature in Moodle to make an objective test. 

  • Essay Tests

To measure the cognitive ability in taxonomy C2 level (understanding the theory/concept) up to C4 (case analysis and problem solving). The question is in the form of essay writing.

A lecturer may use the feature “Quiz” or “Assignment” in Moodle. It is necessary for a lecturer to give a rubric in the “Assignment” feature. However, in the “Quiz” feature, a lecturer has to use the manual rubric to do the assessment.

  • Objective Tests

This assessment can be used not only at the end of a learning session, but also to assess the learning process or making an assignment. The form of assessment is by documenting the learning process or making a video link or pictures. A lecturer can use the Ms. One Note feature which is integrated in the “Assignment” in Moodle LMS. The lecturer needs to attach the assessment rubric in Ms. One Note.

Synchronous Assessment

​​​​​​​Assessments in the Synchronous Learning can take the form of Oral Test, which can measure the cognitive ability as well as the students’ affective and motoric ability. ​​​​​​​The test formats are Oral Tests or Interviews and Online Presentations.

The lecturer can do an oral test synchronously by using the feature of Teams Meeting from Microsoft Teams. Before doing the test, the lecturer must prepare the students of the assessment rubric.

Online Exam Strategy is one of the blended learning strategies used to measure learning outcomes. 

Online Exam are conducted in two methods: online exam with human proctoring and online exam with online proctoring. 

Online Exam with Human Proctoring

Online Exam with human proctoring are conducted at campus location, learning hub or third parties. 
We provides the complete procedure to conduct the online exam at campus location for instructor.

Online Exam with Online Proctoring (AI System)

The second online exam strategies is conducting online exam with Online Proctoring or AI System.

Online proctor is a live proctoring service that allows student to take their online exam in their own
space at home or other place. Center for Teaching and Learning provides online proctoring like SEB
and Examus.  

As UPH implements M-Flex and blended learning method in the teaching and learning process, there are several session types that can be adopted in the teaching and learning process. The lecturers may set the most appropriate method for each topic to optimize the learning outcome. The learning sessions can be done via in-person meeting, online synchronous meeting, and asynchronous session. For each session, there are minimum requirements in term of the course design in LMS:

*Sign  indicates that it is a mandatory item.

**Attendance is checked and validated according to study program administration workflow.

***For examination session such as UTS (mid-term examination) and UAS (final examination), only 1 graded activity is mandatory for asynchronous session or 1 online meeting recording is mandatory for online synchronous session.

For reporting purpose, there are some naming format that should be followed for each item to be detected by system:

1. Session Name
Must include one of these options for each session type:
–  Online Sync or [OS]
–  Async or Asynchronous or [AS]
–  In-person or [IP]
–  In-person (smart classroom) or [SC]
Example: Topic 1 (Online Sync) or UTS (Async) or Topic 1 [OS] or UTS [AS]

2. Reading Material Name
Must include keyword ‘Reading Material’.
Example: Reading Material – Session 1.

3. Video Name
–  For pre-recorded material, must include keyword ‘Pre-recorded Material’.
    Example: Pre-recorded Material – Session 1.   
–  For online meeting recording (video) name, must include keyword ‘Recording’.
    Example: Session Recording 1.

4. Examination Name
–  For UTS or mid-term examination, must include keyword ‘Midterm Examination’
    or ‘UTS’ or ‘Ujian Tengah Semester’.
    Example: UTS Pengantar Bisnis.    
–  For UAS or final examination, must include keyword ‘Final Examination’ or ‘UAS’
    or Ujian Akhir Semester’.
    Example: UAS Pengantar Bisnis.


Are Your Students Truly Ready for the Real World?

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) prioritizes what students can do after completing a course. How can you ensure meaningful learning outcomes?

Discover UPH’s
New RPS Template

Ready to transform your teaching?
The new RPS template is here – streamlined, compliant with Permendikbud No. 53.

The Implication of Student-Centered Learning in Education

Adopting Student-Centered Learning (SCL) challenges lecturers to shift from teaching to facilitating and evaluating, while encouraging active student engagement.

Generative AI for Educators
“Open Course”

UPH offers “Generative AI for Educators” to faculty, TAs, and tutors, equipping them to enhance learning, automate tasks, and make data-driven decisions.

Creating Learning Outcomes for Outcome-Based Education

OBE provides a framework for developing curriculum and semester plans, enabling study programs to design curriculum relevant to industry and society.

Aligning PLO with CLO Using the ABCD Method

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Moodle Online Rubric

Rubrics are essential assessment tools for lecturers that provide a clear, fair, and consistent way to effectively evaluate student performance.

Curriculum Evaluation

Curriculum must be evaluated and redesigned regularly, the first step being an evaluation of the curriculum that has been implemented over the past 4-5 years.

Quality Matters

niversitas Pelita Harapan will implement the Quality Matters program to improve the online learning experience and establish quality control methods.


Micro-Credentials are short courses in specific fields of study that focus on skill development in a short period to meet industry needs.

edX and Moodle

The integration of online courses is transforming education by enriching the learning experience.

Online Rubrics
in Moodle

Rubrics facilitate evaluation by establishing criteria with numeric values for different levels of achievement.

Are you Ready for
the New 2024 KO?

Study program needs to undertake a critical, detailed and focused evaluation over the curriculum evaluation process.

Guideline Course
Outline Design

RPS/Syllabus is a lesson plan created by instructors to achieve student’s learning objectives within one semester.